EPL from Home

Aleadinggloballettersjournalownedandpublishedbyaconsortiumof17nationalphysicalsocietiesinEurope.,EPLisapeer-reviewedscientificjournalpublishedbyEDPSciences,IOPPublishingandtheItalianPhysicalSocietyonbehalfoftheEuropeanPhysical ...,ALettersjournal...。參考影片的文章的如下:



A leading global letters journal owned and published by a consortium of 17 national physical societies in Europe.

EPL (journal)

EPL is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by EDP Sciences, IOP Publishing and the Italian Physical Society on behalf of the European Physical ...

Europhysics Letters - IOPscience

A Letters journal serving all areas of physics and its related fields, EPL publishes the highest quality research from around the world. About EPL · EPL Awards · Journal collections · Editorial board


EPL (formerly Europhysics Letters) is a physics letters journal published twice a month under the scientific responsibility of the European Physical Society. It ...


EPL publishes original, high-quality Letters in all areas of physics, ranging from condensed matter topics and interdisciplinary research.

EPL in an eventful environment

The original idea was to create a real European Letter journal competitive with Physical Review Letters of the American Physical Society. ... The publication of ...

Europhysics Letters

Letters submitted to EPL should contain new results, ideas, concepts, experimental methods, theoretical treatments, including those with application potential.

EPL (@epl_journal) X

EPL. @epl_journal. A letters journal exploring the frontiers of physics. Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Organization epljournal.org Joined October 2016. 198 ...


Aleadinggloballettersjournalownedandpublishedbyaconsortiumof17nationalphysicalsocietiesinEurope.,EPLisapeer-reviewedscientificjournalpublishedbyEDPSciences,IOPPublishingandtheItalianPhysicalSocietyonbehalfoftheEuropeanPhysical ...,ALettersjournalservingallareasofphysicsanditsrelatedfields,EPLpublishesthehighestqualityresearchfromaroundtheworld.AboutEPL·EPLAwards·Journalcollections·Editorialboa...